Cheng Li De Yue Guang - Mavis Hsu Mei Jing (城里的月光 - 许美静)

城里的月光 Cheng Li De Yue Guang - 许美静 Mavis Hsu Mei Jing

每颗心上 某一个地方 总有个记忆挥不散
Mei ke xin shang mou yi ge di fang zong you ge ji yi hui bu san
每个深夜 某一个地方 总有着最深的思量
Mei ge shen ye mou yi ge di fang zong you zhe zui shen de si liang
世间万千的变幻 爱把有情的人分两端
Shi jian wan qian de bian huan ai ba you qing de ren fen liang duan
心若知道灵犀的方向 哪怕不能够朝夕相伴
Xin ruo zhi dao ling xi de fang xiang na pa bu neng gou chao xi xiang ban

城里的月光把梦照亮 请温暖他心房
Cheng li de yue guang ba meng zhao liang qing wen nuan ta xin fang
看透了人间聚散 能不能多点快乐片段
Kan tou le ren jian ju san neng bu neng duo dian kuai le pian duan
城里的月光把梦照亮 请守护它身旁
Cheng li de yue guang ba meng zhao liang qing shou hu ta shen pang
若有一天能重逢 让幸福撒满整个夜晚
Ruo you yi tian neng zhong feng rang xing fu sa man zheng ge ye wan

Repeat *

Repeat Chorus

若有一天能重逢 让幸福撒满整个夜晚
Ruo you yi tian neng zhong feng rang xing fu sa man zheng ge ye wan

English Translation: 

*Every heart arrives at a certain place
Will sometimes have memories that are unforgettable.
In the midst of the night, at a certain place
Will sometimes contains deep thoughts of someone

The Relentless change that alters the world
Loves to separate passionate people apart.
As long as the hearts knows the direction of affection
Does it matter if they cannot be together all the time?

The moonlight in the city that illuminates my dream
Please send warmth to his heart.
Shining through the many meetings and partings
Can we not have more happy moments?

The moonlight in the city that illuminates my dream
Please surround and protect them.
If there is a day when we meet once again
Let blissfulness scatters throughout the night.

Repeat *
Repeat (Refrain)
Repeat the last 2 lines


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