처음 그 자리에 - 이보람 [씨야]

처음 그 자리에 - 이보람 [씨야] (cha um ku ja ri e - Lee Bo Ram [ssi ya])

그대 지금 내가슴에 들어와
Come now inside my heart,
사랑을 말하고 있죠
You're telling me about love
꿈이 아니기를 나는 기도해봐요
I pray that this isn't a dream
내맘이 자꾸 그대란
사람 놓지말라고 하네요
My heart keeps telling me that i shouldn't let go of you
욕심을 내라며 바보 같은 말을 하네요
and that i should be greedy.. it's saying stuff that's stupid

우연히 다가온 그대 사랑이
Your love that came accidently..
왠지 낯설지 않았죠
it wasn't strange at all
하지만 약속된 인연이기에
사랑이 될 줄 몰랐죠
But I didn't know that our promised relationship/fate/destiny would become love..
조금 후면 그댈 보내야 할텐데
Sometime later, I have to send you away
그럴 자신이 없죠
but I don't have the confidence to do that

나 홀로 있던 그 자리를 찾아
You found the place that I was alone at..
이제 돌아갈 뿐인데
Now you're gonna go back
당연한 일인데 왜 맘이 아프죠
I knew it was going to happen, but why does my heart hurt
그대 원하던 사랑을 찾아
이제 돌아갈 뿐인데
Now you're gonna go back to your place because you found the love you wanted
행복한 그대를 웃으며 보내야 할텐데
I have to send you, a happy/bliss person, away with a smile

내 눈을 보며 사랑을 말하죠
You tell me about Love while lookin into my eyes,
스쳐간 사랑이지만
but it's a lightly passing by (small/grazing) love
이 순간 나는 너무 행복해요
I'm so happy right now,
마치 꿈을 꾼 것처럼
it's like i'm dreaming a dream
이제야 알았어요
Now you know that
처음부터 우린 사랑했었다는 걸
from the beginning we were in love

나 홀로 있던 그 자리를 찾아
You found the place that I was alone at..
이제 돌아갈 뿐인데
Now you're gonna go back
당연한 일인데 왜 맘이 아프죠
I knew it was going to happen, but why does my heart hurt
그대 원하던 사랑을 찾아
이제 돌아갈 뿐인데
Now you're gonna go back to your place because you found the love you wanted

행복할 그대를 웃으며 보내야 할텐데…
I need to send you, a happy/bliss person, away with a smile

내게 사랑을 주면 안되나요
Can't you give me your love
그대 정말 안되나요
Can you really not/Is it Impossible?
이제는 그대를 이토록 사랑하는데…
But now I love you so much…


Anonymous said…
AWESOME! Did you do all the translations yourself? If so, thank you so much for your help. I am now organizing the lyrics for this song in such a way that it'd be easier for me to understand and read each line (korean-romanized-translation).

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