Da Endorphine - ยิ่งรู้จัก ยิ่งรักเธอ Ying Roo Juk Ying Ruk Tur

Bauk chun suk kum wah tur tum dai yahng rai
Tell me how you do it
Pror chun roo seuk dee took krung tee yoo gup tur
Because I feel good every time I’m with you
Tee jing nup dtung dtae tee rao nun raek jur
Actually, it’s been like this since we first met
Mai kit wah ja ruk dai mahk mai
I didn’t think I’d love you so much
Tur roo witee doo lae kon tee huang yai
You know how to take care of someone who’s worried
Jon chun plaek jai kwahm roo seuk tee chun mee
Until I’m surprised by the feelings I have
Koey ruk mahk tao rai yung ruk dai eek
However much I used to love you, I still love you more
Mai roo wah pen dai yahng rai
I don’t know how it’s possible

(*) ตั้งแต่พบกันวันนั้น ใจก็รู้ว่าเราจะมีกันวันนี้
Dtung dtae pob gun wun nun jai gor roo wah rao ja mee gun wun nee
Since I met you that day, my heart knew we’d be together today
Tur dterm dtem sing dee dee hai took wun tee mee glai pen wun tee mee kwahm mai
You fill me up with good things and make my every day meaningful
ไม่ใช่แค่วันพรุ่งนี้ แต่จากนี้แม้นานเท่านานสักเพียงไหน
Mi chai kae wun proong nee dtae jahk nee mae nahn tao nahn suk piang nai
Not just tomorrow, but from now on, no matter how long
จะมีเธอ เธอมีฉัน มีกันตลอดไป
Ja mee tur tur mee chun mee gun dtalaut pai
I’ll have you, you have me, we have each other forever
ยิ่งพบเจอ ยิ่งได้รู้จัก ยิ่งรักเธอหมดใจ
Ying pob jur ying dai roo juk ying ruk tur mot jai
The more I see you, the more I get to know you, the more I love you with all my heart
Kaup fah mai koey ja meuan derm loey suk wun
The sky has never been the same
Mee see sun chuan hai maung doo yoo reuay pai
It’s colors invite it to be looked at continuously
Gor kong meuan dtua tur tee mee reuang rao mai
It’s like you’ve got a new story
Lae tum hai pratup jai took tee
And have imprinted my heart with it every time
Cheewit kaung kon kon neung dai aup oon jai
My life has warmth
Lae dai roo dtua wah pen kon tee chohk dee
And I’ve realized I’m so lucky
ขอบคุณนะที่ทำให้ทุกทุกนาที ได้มีความหมายที่สำคัญ
Kaup koon na tee tum hai took took nahtee dai mee kwahm mai tee sumkun
Thank you for making my every moment have a special meaning


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